With Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, Atlee successfully reestablished himself in Bollywood after dominating South Indian cinema. The action movie, which debuted on September 7, is smashing box office records, taking in more than Rs 700 crore internationally in just 10 days. The renowned director has since revealed in an interview that he will make a sequel to the movie, although he hasn’t yet thought of a release date.
Pinkvilla questioned Atlee if he had a specific character in mind for a spin-off during the course of the conversation. He grinned and mentioned Shah Rukh’s older character in the film, Vikram Rathore. The director talked about how most of his movies had open endings but that he would only opt to do a sequel if he had a compelling idea.
Additionally, Atlee reaffirmed that his team is considering streaming a longer version of Jawan. While the movie had the ideal balance of emotions, he claimed that a new rhythm is being considered for streaming. He continued by saying that he has been working on it and hasn’t even taken a vacation as a result.
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