The Hero actress Athiya Shetty recently took to her official Instagram handle and shared pictures with KL Rahul as the gorgeous couple flaunted their ethnic outfits. In the first picture, the gorgeous couple sat beside each other. While Athiya looked classy in a red saree, the cricketer looked extremely charming in a white kurta. In the last picture, the actress made a goofy face as she sat next to KL Rahul. Athiya also shared picture of herself flaunting her red saree, and traditional earrings and completed her look with a gajra.
Reacting to her Instagram post, one of the fans wrote, “Cuties to the core.” Another wrote, “Fav couple.” A third fan wrote, “so chic!!!” A fourth fan wrote, “looking lovely.” A fifth fan wrote, “why so cuteeeee??” A sixth fan commented, “blessed blessed blessed.” Many dropped red heart and fire emojis in the comment section.
This is a developing copy.
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