Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal and the leader of the Trinamool Congress (TMC), made a request to Chief Justice of India (CJI) UU Lalit on Sunday while they were both in presence at the convocation of the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) in Kolkata. Regarding the nation’s current judicial climate, Banerjee criticised the practise of “media trials” and claimed that a “segment of people” are grabbing hold of all the “democratic powers.”

At the convocation, the chief minister served as the special guest and delivered an address in which she encouraged the court to maintain the integrity of India’s federal system.

“Common people are unnecessarily being harassed…Where is democracy? Please save democracy,” Banerjee urged CJI Lalit, who is the chancellor of the university.

She said if democratic powers continue to be seized by certain “section of people”, then the day is not far when a presidential form of regime will be brought in the country.

Justice is always “for the people, by the people, and of the people,” according to the TMC supremo. She also expressed her gratitude to CJI Lalit, stating that he has demonstrated in just “two months” what “judiciary meant.”

But the chief minister reiterated her stance, adding that it wasn’t that people no longer trusted the judiciary. “But the circumstance today is such… It has gotten worse and worse. The judiciary must pay attention to public cries. But right now, many are sobbing in private. These kinds of situations are occurring right now”, continued Banerjee.