The shroud of smog-filled air lingering over Delhi-NCR thickened on Friday, preventing sunlight from filtering in and making the national capital and its adjoining cities resemble a distant dusty planet. The visibility was reduced to 200 metres in several areas. Delhi-NCR has been witnessing hazardous pollution levels from the beginning of November. Over 4,000 farm fires accounting for 35% of Delhi’s pollution on Friday played a major role in pushing the average Air Quality Index (AQI) to 471 by 4 pm, which was the worst this season so far. It was 411 on Thursday.

Ever since Diwali, Delhi has recorded a severe air quality on six of the last eight days.

According to an analysis by Delhi Pollution Control Committee, the people in the national capital breathe their worst air for the first 15 days of November every year.

An AQI between zero and 50 is considered “good”, and 401 and 500 as “severe”.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), the 24-hour average concentration of lung-damaging fine particles in Delhi-NCR crossed the 300-mark at 4 pm on Friday, which was more than six times the safe limit of 60 micrograms per cubic metre.

Officials from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) said that the calm winds have been trapping pollutants close to the ground.

“Visibility levels at the Indira Gandhi International Airport and the Safdarjung Airport dropped to 200-500 metres due to moderate fog. Fog has intensified on Friday due to high humidity,” said an official.

In a report, it said from 24 October to 8 November, vehicles accounted for more than 50% of Delhi’s pollution.