Haryana Assembly Speaker Gyan Chand Gupta inaugurated a community center, costing Rs 1.5 crore, in the village of Dabkori in Panchkula, presenting it as a gift to the residents. He announced that development works worth approximately Rs 2.50 crore have been completed in Dabkauri. Furthermore, he shared that the proposal for constructing a community center in the nearby village of Behad has been approved, and construction will commence shortly. Gupta highlighted the commitment to ensuring that almost every village has a community center, providing essential facilities in line with urban areas.

Gyan Chand Gupta, speaking as the chief guest at the Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra Jan Samvad program in Dabkauri on Monday, also launched a sharp critique against the opposition. He asserted that during the Congress government’s 10-year tenure before 2014, Panchkula faced discrimination in every aspect. However, under Chief Minister Manohar Lal’s leadership, Panchkula has transformed from a neglected region into a developed one.
Gupta attributed the halt in Panchkula’s development to the internal conflicts between leaders. He explained that the discord between former Chief Minister Bhupendra Singh Hooda and Kumari Selja led to Panchkula being deprived of developmental projects, which were diverted to other districts in the state.