The accusations directed towards Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel regarding the Mahadev betting app have resulted in the Congress party losing the Chhattisgarh Assembly polls. With star campaigner PM Modi taking aim at Baghel over corruption and job scams, the BJP has crossed the halfway point of 46 seats in the 90-member Chhattisgarh assembly. As of late, the BJP is leading in 54 seats and the Congress in 35, according to EC trends. For the 90-member Chhattisgarh assembly, 46 is the halfway point.

The BJP, all through its high-voltage campaign in the state targeted the Congress government led by CM Baghel on alleged scams, corruption and the ‘hawala money funding’ related to the Mahadev app.
The Gondwana Gantantra Party (GGP) and Communist Party of India, each leading on one seat, namely Pali-Tanakhar and Konta respectively, according to the ECI data.

There were 1,181 contenders running for the 90-member assembly’s mandate. During his vigorous campaigning, Prime Minister Narendra Modi brought up the “scam” surrounding the Mahadev app and demanded that the Congress disclose the amount of money received by the Chief Minister and the portion that was transferred to the party’s upper echelons.

“I have some questions for the Congress leaders who are fond of teaching mathematics…I want to ask some questions about the party. The ‘Mahadev betting app scam’ is worth Rs 508 crore and the investigating agencies have recovered loads of cash in this case. A close aide of the Chhattisgarh CM is also in jail,” PM Modi had said during the election rally in Chhattisgarh’s Mungeli.

“Congress should reveal how much money the CM received in this. How much money have the other leaders of the party received and how much money has reached Delhi?” he added.