A case has been registered against three people in Haryana’s Jin for allegedly deceiving a 22-year-old woman from Assam’s Dibrugarh and forcing her into marriage after luring her with the promise of a job in the city, police said on Wednesday. In her complaint to police, the woman alleged that she was acquainted with another woman from Dibrugarh district named Laxmi, who was married to Jind resident Baljeet, they said. According to the woman, Laxmi brought her to Jind under the pretext of finding her a job and later, “sold” her to Kavita, the wife of Harinivas from Shivalik Colony, for Rs 25,000.
On 3 June, the complainant said that Kavita allegedly forced her to marry one Sandeep alias, Kala. However, she somehow managed to escape and approached the police. Acting on her complaint, Jind police have registered a case against Laxmi, Kavita and Sandeep for the offences of abduction, human trafficking and other relevant charges and initiated an investigation, according to investigating officer Deepak of the local police station.
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