Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Monday that his government is committed to end child marriage in the state by 2026, weeks after launching a massive crackdown.
In response to a question in the state assembly from Congress MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha, the Assam Chief Minister stated, “His government has taken a series of measures to end the menace.” He went on to say that “Child marriage in Assam must be prohibited by 2026. Our government will take strong measures to put an end to child marriage.
“In this budget, our government has set aside Rs 200 crore to appoint a special advocate in each Child Marriage case. We want everyone to be convicted “CM stated.
“Every 2-3 months, we will launch an operation against child marriage in the state and arrest people. We will set up a helpline. So far, we have charge sheeted 900 cases. We followed the rules”, CM said.
He also stated that his government has taken steps to educate the public about the threat.