Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Friday inaugurated a new block at the Assam Secretariat in Dispur here. Chief Minister Sarma said that since the office will look into the issues of the people, it has been named ‘Lok Sewa Bhawan’. The new block named the ‘I’ block has been dedicated to catering to the services of the people. The Bhawan will serve as the new operational base for both the Chief Minister’s office and the Chief Secretary’s office.
The Assam CM took to ‘X’ and posted, “With the blessings of the people, Assam gets a dedicated Chief Minister’s Secretariat which will be known as the Lok Sewa Bhawan.” After the inauguration ceremony, Sarma addressed the media and said, “Today, a new block named ‘I’ block was inaugurated at the Assam Secretariat. The construction work for another block is underway. It will probably be completed within a few months. The newly constructed building will house the Chief Minister’s Office and Chief Secretary’s Office.”
“We will try to give a new shape to the Assam Secretariat within the next 5-10 years. Since the Assam Secretariat looks after the welfare issues of the people, the building has been named Lok Sewa Bhawan,” he said.
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