CHANDIGARH: The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) National Convener and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal will start ‘Mission Punjab’ from Moga with a big announcement on Monday. In view of the 2022 Assembly elections, AAP supremo under ‘Mission Punjab’ will visit various places in Punjab in the next one month and announce the party’s programs for Punjab and its people.

In a statement issued from the party headquarters here on Sunday, AAP Punjab state president and MP Bhagwant Mann said that from Monday, November 22, AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal would come to Punjab on a two-day tour to launch ‘Mission Punjab’. He told that during his two-day Punjab tour, Arvind Kejriwal would also make a big announcement for Punjab and Punjabis during the party program in Moga on Monday.

After this, he will take part in a meeting organized by the party in Ludhiana. On Tuesday, November 23, Arvind Kejriwal will attend the party’s program after addressing a press conference in Amritsar.