On Monday, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a momentous announcement, proclaiming a bonus of Rs 7,000 for around 80,000 Group B non-gazetted and Group C government employees in anticipation of Diwali. This huge bonus is anticipated to cost the state government Rs 56 crore.

In a video message, CM Kejriwal expressed, “We will provide Rs 7,000 as a bonus to the Group B non-gazetted and Group C employees of the Delhi Government. Currently, around 80,000 Group B non-gazetted and Group C employees are working with the Delhi government.”

Kejriwal emphasized the immense contributions of government workers in areas such as education, health, infrastructure, and public services over the past eight years, stating, “Due to their hard work, we have been able to transform Delhi into a city of dreams.”

Furthermore, on November 1, the Chief Minister had previously announced the regularization of jobs for numerous workers from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi, including 6,494 sanitation workers. He also described this as a significant development in celebration of Diwali, highlighting the workers’ long-standing demand for regularization.

As the festival of Diwali approaches on November 12, this bonus serves as a token of appreciation for the dedicated government employees who have played a pivotal role in shaping the city’s progress.