Power couple Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma announced pregnancy on Thursday. Sharing an adorable photo on their social media handles, the couple revealed that they are expecting their first baby in January 2021. The announcement is no less than a huge but a pleasant surprise for all Virushka fans. Soon after the announcement, celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Taapsee Pannu, Sania Mirza, Samantha Akkineni among many others congratulated the couple.

 In the photo shared by the couple, Anushka can be seen dressed in a gorgeous black polka dot dress while Virat is dressed in a grey t-shirt and white joggers. The bright smile on their faces clearly reflects that the duo is elated to welcome a new member in their family. Virat and Anushka met in 2013 on the sets of a shampoo commercial after which they instantly hit it off. After keeping their relationship a private affair for almost 3-4 years and witnessing various road bumps along the way, the duo took social media by a storm with their wedding announcement in 2017. Their wedding ceremony was no less than a fairytale arrangement.