The recruitment rally in Pune for selection of soldier general duty (Women Military Police) is scheduled to be conducted at AIPT Hadapsar from 12-14 January 2021. The main aim of this recruitment rally is to generate employment for the young women of Maharashtra, Gujarat & Goa, thereby giving them an opportunity to serve the motherland and lead a dignified life. 

Recruitment is being conducted for Soldier General Duty category only. This rally is applicable to candidates of state of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Goa.

Candidates were required to register and apply online on the Indian Army website Admit cards of candidates who registered themselves online are being posted on their registered email ID based on cut off generated for class X marks. Candidates are advised to go through the eligibility criteria in a careful manner. The rally is meant for candidates who have received Admit Cards on their registered Email Ids only and not for all.

Prospective candidates will be screened as per the schedule intimated over 3 days. These candidates will be bio-metrically verified and admit cards for the rally will be scanned before candidates are allowed entry to undergo actual selection tests, which is in three phases- physical tests, medical tests and common entrance exam (written exam). Those found physically and medically fit will undergo the entrance test and candidates selected in the final merit will then be called upon to join the Indian Army for service to the Nation in Corps of Military Police.

Management of such a large number of candidates requires detailed planning and meticulous execution on ground. Towards this, the state and district administration along with ZSKO has been more than forthcoming in providing requisite assistance and making available required infrastructure. A special emphasis from the government authorities and local media has been made towards awareness of young girls registered of the area. They must carry all required original education certificates, adequate number of copies of photographs, valid affidavit and admit card as per format given in notification to the rally ground. No candidates will be allowed entry into rally without correctly filled admit card/affidavit.

Candidates in their own interest must carry out Covid medical pre inspection/asymptomatic certificate and also regarding any temporary medical condition, presence of wax in the ears etc. These actions will enable smooth participation of the youth in the recruitment rally and will facilitate Army authorities in flawless conduct of the rally.  Army authorities advise all candidates not to fall prey to touts as the entire recruitment process is very fair and transparent.