Bollywood actor Arjun Rampal took to his official Instagram handle and announced the birth of his second child, a baby boy. He wrote, “My family and I are blessed with a beautiful baby boy today. Mother and son are both doing well. Thank you to the wonderful team of doctors and nurses. We are over the moon. Thank you for all your love and support. #helloworld #20. 07. 2023.”
Take a look at Arjun Rampal’s Instagram post
Many friends and fans immediately congratulated the gorgeous couple and expressed their happiness. Rahul Dev commented, “Bigg congratulations Daddy & Mommy.” Divya Dutta wrote, “Heartiest congrats.” Pragya Kapoor said, “Finally!! Congratulations.. can’t wait to meet the little munchkin! The boys are gonna be so excited.. love to Gabby and the boys!” Bobby Deol commented, “Congratulations dude.” On the other hand, one of the fans wrote, “Loads of love and congratulations wishing them great health and happiness.” Another wrote, “Congratulations to u and your girlfriend for a lovely baby boy.” Many dropped heart emojis in the comments section.
For the unversed, Arjun and Gabriella made their relationship public back in 2018. A year later, they welcomed their first child together, Arik Rampal.