ew Delhi: The teaser of the upcoming music video ‘Dil Hai Deewana’ by Tseries, featuring Bollywood actors Arjun Kapoor and Rakul Preet Singh was unveiled on Thursday. it’s safe to say that the romantic dance track that was recently shot in Mumbai will have your feet tapping away with its upbeat tunes. The ‘Gunday’ actor took to his Instagram handle and shared the song’s teaser along with the caption “A love story that is filled with fun! #Dil haiDeewana Teaser out now. Song releasing on 17th April 2021.” The fun-filled teaser features a story of ‘The Good, The Bad and The Pretty’, featuring Arjun and Rakul in a super cool and suave avatar, as they groove to the peppy song. Rakul also shared the teaser on her Instagram and captioned it as, “Are you ready for a little glimpse of our love story? DilhaiDeewana Teaser out now. Tune in now: http://bit.ly/DilhaiDeewana Teaser Song releasing on 17th April 2021.” ‘Dil Hai Deewana’, composed by Tanishk Bagchi and penned by Shabbir Ahmed, reunites Arjun with his ‘Aurangzeb’ co-star turned singer, Zara Khan, who has lent the female vocals for the song along with Darshan Raval
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