Apple is set to undergo a branding transition as it prepares to roll out its latest software updates, including iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. Among the changes is the rebranding of the well-known “Apple ID” to “Apple Account” across its ecosystem, aimed at providing users with a more consistent sign-in experience across various Apple services and devices.

In a recent announcement detailing upcoming modifications to Apple Services later this year, the company confirmed its plans for the transition to the new branding. According to Apple, this shift to “Apple Account” will rely on users’ existing credentials, ensuring a seamless transition without necessitating any changes from device users.

While the rebranding may not introduce significant alterations for users, it underscores Apple’s commitment to streamlining and unifying the user experience across its ecosystem of products and services. By standardizing the sign-in process under the “Apple Account” banner, the company aims to enhance user convenience and coherence.

The transition to “Apple Account” is expected to be completed by the time iOS 18 and other software updates are publicly released later this year. Early indications suggest that the term “Apple Account” is already being utilized in the beta versions of the new operating systems, as announced during WWDC2024 on June 10.

As Apple continues to refine its software offerings and user interface, the rebranding of Apple ID signifies a step towards harmonizing user interactions and ensuring a consistent and intuitive experience across all Apple devices and services.