Apple has refreshed Mac lineup with its own M1 silicon chip and the new MacBook Air will be available in India from Rs 92,900 (Rs 83,610 for education). The new 13-inch MacBook Pro starts at Rs 122,900 and Rs 110,610 for education and the new Mac mini starts at Rs 64,900 (Rs 58,410 for education). The new MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini with M1 are available to order today on The MacBook Air, the 13-inch MacBook Pro and Mac mini are powered by the revolutionary M1, the first in a family of chips designed by Apple specifically for the Mac. By far the most powerful chip Apple has ever made, M1 transforms the Mac experience. With its industry-leading performance per watt, together with macOS Big Sur, M1 delivers up to 3.5 times faster CPU, up to 6 times faster GPU, up to 15 times faster machine learning (ML) capabilities, and battery life up to 2 times longer than before. With M1 and Big Sur, users get access to the biggest collection of apps ever for Mac.
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