New Delhi: On the occasion of international women’s Day, Aparshakti Khurana spoke about his favourite female directors and the positive energy they bring with their craft. Three years back, leena Yadav directed Aparshakti in Rajma Chawal, a slice-of-life film. The actor captured the attention of the viewers with his earnest performance which was sketched and molded by the director. in 2019, Aparshakti appeared in Ruka Ruka, a music single with singer Shalmali. The music video was directed by Ukrainian director Dar Gai. A while back, Aparshakti shot for an anthology film and one of the directors on that project is Nitya Mehra of Made In Heaven and Baar Baar Dekho fame. Two years back, Aparshakti was directed by director-writer, Tahira Kashyap. “i have had the good fortune of working with these women directors,” he said.
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