MUMBAI: Two days after Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma and cricketer Virat Kohli welcomed their baby girl, the duo has made a strong appeal to paparazzi in Mumbai to refrain from clicking their daughter’s picture as they want to protect her privacy. Anushka and Virat have sent out a note to the paparazzi fraternity in Mumbai in which they said, “Hi, Thank you for all the love that you have given us for all these years. We are happy to celebrate this momentous occasion with you. As parents, we have a simple request to make to you. We want to protect the privacy of our child and we need your help and support. While we will always ensure that you get all the content you need featuring us, we would request you to kindly not take or carry any content that has our child. We know that you will understand where we are coming from and we thank you for the same.” Virat and Anushka were blessed with a baby girl on Monday. Virat shared the news via Twitter and said both baby and mother are healthy.