The gorgeous Anushka Sharma shared a video of her London vacation with husband Virat Kohli as she missed the vacay time. For those unaware, the power couple along with their baby girl Vamika jetted off to London to spend some time together. The talented actress shared an adorable candid video. The video was taken by Virat. In the caption of her Instagram post, Anushka wrote, “Major missing-London city & coffee walks. PS-that coffee lasted me a while.”
Anushka said that she was missing the London vacation time. In the video, the actress can be seen exploring the streets of London. On the other hand, the cricketer was seen taking the candid moments of his lovely wife.
Check out the video below
On the professional front, the actress was last seen in the 2018-released Shah Rukh Khan starrer Zero. Recently, she made a comeback to the screens by making a cameo appearance on her home production Qala. Anushka is ready to return to the screens with the upcoming Jhulan Goswami biopic, Chakda Xpress.
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