On Wednesday night, Bollywood actor Anushka Sharma penned a heartfelt appreciation note for her husband, Virat Kohli, as he became the first player in the history of One Day International (ODI) cricket to score 50 centuries. Anushka shared the note on her Instagram stories, expressing gratitude to God for blessing her with Virat’s love and witnessing his growth in both personal and professional aspects.

During India’s World Cup semifinal against New Zealand at Mumbai’s Wankhede Stadium, Virat achieved a historic milestone. Anushka’s post conveyed her admiration for Virat’s honesty to himself and the sport. She wrote, “God is the best scriptwriter. Utterly grateful to him for blessing me with your love and watching you grow from strength to strength, achieve all that you have and will, and be honest to yourself and to the sport always. You are truly God’s child.”

Virat reached his 50th ODI century in 106 balls, scoring 117 off 113 balls before being dismissed by Tim Southee. This century surpasses his childhood idol Sachin Tendulkar’s record of 49 ODI centuries. An emotional moment unfolded as Virat bowed to Sachin, who was present in the stands, acknowledging the cricketing legend who paved the way for many.

Virat’s century ended India’s wait for a standout performance in 50-over World Cup knockout games. Anushka’s note reflects the joy and pride she feels for her husband’s exceptional achievement in international cricket.