On Thursday, Union Minister Anurag Thakur criticized the Rajasthan state administration, which is now governed by the Congress, and asserted that the BJP will build “Ram Rajya” and rid the state of corruption if it assumes power. During his speech at a public rally in Bhilwara, Thakur commented “‘Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas’ is what we believe in…We will rid Rajasthan of corruption, criminality against women, document leaks, and the “jungle raj” if we take power there. We’ll set up ‘Ram Rajya’.” He said, “Congress is ashamed of Sanatana Dharma; they want to put a stop to Sanatana Dharma; they want to belittle Hindus; and they want to destroy the Constitution. Anurag Thakur spoke at the public event and made a number of other accusations against the Ashok Gehlot administration in Rajasthan.
Thakur accused the Congress administration of “engaging in pleasing brother-in-law (Robert Vadra) and Rahul Gandhi” while indirectly criticizing the Gandhi family.
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