The Kashmir Files actor Anupam Kher is all set for his upcoming live-action feature film, ‘Chhota Bheem’ as he has finally wrapped up the shooting for the film. The actor took to his social media (Instagram) and shared a series of pictures from the set. He quoted saying, “And it is #Wrap for #ChotaBheem movie! What a beautiful experience!! The children acting in the film are sensational. Got to learn so much from them about acting and spontaneity! Thank you Director #RajivChilaka and the entire team for this joy ride! Love and prayers always. Till we meet again!”
However the announcement of the film ‘Chhota Bheem And The Curse of Damyaan’ was made last year in Mumbai on the occasion of cherishing 15 incredible years of the animated series.
In the film, Anupam Kher plays the role of Guru Shambhu, while Makarand Deshpande portrays Skandhi. The key character Chhota Bheem is played by the talented Yagya Bhasin, and Aashriya Mishra shines as Chutki. Well the famous Tuntun Mausi is played by non other than Surabhi Tiwari of Shagun fame.
Directed by Rajiv Chilaka and written by Niraj Vikram gives a blissfull narrative to the viewers. The music is composed by Raghav Sachar, and the cast done by Mukesh Chhabra bring the best fusion of characters to life.
In the meantime Anupam Kher will be seen in the upcoming movie ‘Vijay 69’ of YRF Entertainment. In the movie Kher plays teh role of a sexagenarian man who decides to compete in a triathlon contest at the age of 69. Directed by Akshay Roy, who has a series of spectacular films such as ‘Meri Pyaari Bindu’, etc. He also did a directorial debut in ‘Taare Zameen Par’ and Deepa Mehta’s ‘Water’ as an assistant director.
Apart from the listed projects, Anupam Kher also has ‘Emergency,’ and ‘Signature’ in his kitty.
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