Vardhan Puri, who made his Bollywood debut in Yeh Saali Aashiqui, will be seen in the film The Last Show along with Anupam Kher and Satish Kaushik. The actor spoke exclusively to The Daily Guardian about the film and the shooting during the pandemic.

Q. You debuted in Bollywood with Yeh Saali Aashqui and The Last Show is your second film. How did you bag both the roles?

A. I had written the script for Yeh Saali Aashqui; it was the director’s decision to cast me in the film. The character was very challenging to portray. I had suggested to cast someone senior, but the producers said that they wanted me to play the role. I gave the auditions, look test and prepared really hard for the role. As for The Last Show, I have done countless auditions for Mukesh Chabbra.

Q. How was the experience of working with senior actors like Anupam Kher and Satish Kaushik?

A. Anupam Kher always tells that everything should be done with grace and ease. I learnt a lot from him. He is a genius. Satishji has a totally different way of acting; he believes in preparations. I used to observe them and see how amazing they are. Pallavi Joshi did not need a script.

Q. How different are you from the characters have played so far? How did you prepare for it?

A. I am very different from the character I have played in Yeh Saali Aashqui and The Last Show. Becoming the character was challenging.

Q. You have an assistant director too, will we see you wearing director’s cap?

A. Eventually I want to tell stories. But right now, I am very happy acting. For direction you need experience.

Q. How was the experience of shooting during the pandemic?

A. It was overwhelming. As an actor, you cannot sit at home, and as I got the opportunity I grabbed it but was praying that everyone is safe and all the precautions were taken while shooting the scenes. I will never forget this experience.