Bollywood senior actor Anupam Kher shared his first look as Rabindranath Tagore from his upcoming film. Today, Anupam took to his official Instagram handle and shared that he will be essaying the role of Rabindranath Tagore. However, the senior actor did not reveal the film’s name. In the caption of his post, Anupam wrote, “Delighted to portray #Gurudev #RabindranathTagore in my 538th project. Will reveal the details in due course. Ye mere saubhagya hai ki mujhe gurudev ko parde par saakaar karne ka saubhagya parpt hua hai. Jald hi is film ki adhik jankaari apke sath sanjha krunga.”
The senior actor also shared a black and white picture, revealing his look from the film. In the picture, Anupam sported white hair and a long beard.
Take a look at Anupam Kher’s Instagram Post Here
Reacting to his post, one of the Instagram users wrote, “Oh! My God, I couldn’t recognize you Sir… Superb.” Another wrote, “e fans wrote. Another user shared, “Congratulations sir I am very accited for this project.” A third user wrote, “And I am very much sure that nobody can perform it better than you. The Next gen will remember Tagore sab by your face.”
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