On Wednesday, the Himachal Pradesh BJP claimed that the Congress government in the state is invoking Lord Ram’s name, suggesting a realization of potential defeat in the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections. The BJP’s response was prompted by Deputy Chief Minister Mukesh Agnihotri’s recent statement, wherein he expressed confidence, swearing on Lord Ram, about the party securing victory in all four Lok Sabha seats in the state. “Kasam Ram ki khate Hai, BJP ko charo seat harayenge,” Agnihotri had said.
In a joint statement, BJP spokespersons Mahendra Dharmani and Vinod Thakur said the Congress has shown its true face by declining the invite for the consecration ceremony at the Ram temple in Ayodhya.
“The top leadership of the Congress has always opposed Indian culture and today, the Congress leaders are swearing on Lord Ram to get votes,” they said.
“The Congress can foresee its defeat in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, therefore, its leaders are now swearing on Lord Ram,” the statement said.
The BJP leaders also claimed that development in the state has come to a standstill and all sections of society, including women, youth and farmers, are feeling cheated as the Congress has failed to fulfil its poll guarantees. Today, the state’s financial situation is worrisome and the state government is bent upon making it worse by wasteful expenditure, they said.
The BJP spokespersons also alleged that there was a lack of coordination between the Congress party and its government in the state which was affecting the development of Himachal Pradesh.
The top leadership of the Congress has always opposed Indian culture and today, the Congress leaders are swearing on Lord Ram to get votes
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