In a major crackdown on corruption, the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) of Haryana has recovered Rs 84 lakh in cash from the home of the general manager (GM) of the Haryana Farmers’ Marketing Board (HFMB) Tarawadi. The GM, Pradeep, was arrested on Friday along with the board’s manager, Dharmbir, and an outsourced accountant, Ajay, for demanding a bribe of Rs 36 lakh from a transporter in exchange for clearing his pending bills.
The ACB had received a complaint from the transporter, who had been trying to get his bills cleared for months. When he was asked to pay a bribe, he approached the ACB.
On Friday, the ACB team laid a trap and caught the three accused red-handed while accepting the bribe. They were arrested and produced in court, which remanded them in police custody for two days.
On Saturday, the ACB team conducted searches at the homes of the three accused. At the GM’s residence in Panchkula, the team recovered Rs 72 lakh in cash. At the manager’s and accountant’s residences, nothing suspicious was found.
The GM has been remanded in judicial custody for 14 days, while the manager and accountant have been sent to jail.
The ACB is investigating the case to determine whether there are other people involved in the bribery scam. The agency is also looking into whether the GM had demanded bribes from other transporters.
The arrest of the three HFMB officials has sent a strong message that the state government is committed to fighting corruption. The ACB has been given a free hand to investigate corruption cases, and the agency has been making significant progress in recent months.
The ACB’s latest action is likely to have a deterrent effect on other corrupt officials. It is also likely to encourage people to come forward and report cases of corruption.
The ACB is a vital institution in the fight against corruption. The agency’s success in recent months is a positive sign for the state of Haryana
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