MUMBAI : Anil Kapoor knows how to win someone’s heart. His impromptu dance with daughter Rhea Kapoor at the latter’s post-wedding celebrations has undoubtedly brought smiles to his fans’ faces. On Tuesday, Farah Khan took to her Instagram account and posted a video, wherein we can see Anil shaking a leg with the newly-wed bride Rhea on Sonam Kapoor-starrer song ‘Abhi Toh Party Shuru Hui Hai’ from ‘Khoobsurat’. Fans left in complete awe of Anil’s cool moves. “AK the legend. #Jhakaas,” popular television presenter Gaurav Kapur commented. “Hahha..he dances so well. Father-daughter goals,” a fan commented.
For the unversed, Rhea got married to her longtime boyfriend Karan Boolani on 14 August at Anil’s residence in Juhu. Two days later, Rhea’s family organised a star-studded bash for the couple. Many celebrities attended the reception. Rhea also treated her fans with several pictures from her wedding festivities.