Haryana’s Home and Health Minister, Sh. Anil Vij here on Tuesday redressed the grievances of people of the state at Ambala and directed concerned officers to take action. A person from Karnal district complained that his daughter, who was studying at an IIT, did not return and went missing. An FIR has been registered at the Nissing police station regarding this matter. The Minister instructed the SP Karnal to find the girl’s whereabouts.

Similarly, a person from the village of Manana in Panipat district informed the Home Minister that theft had occurred in his house, and although he had filed a complaint with the police, there was no prompt action. A private doctor from Gurugram reported that despite opening a private hospital, some individuals have illegally occupied the hospital premises, and even the police haven’t filed an FIR. The Home Minister directed CP Gurugram to take appropriate action in this case.

Likewise, an individual from Sandhir village in Karnal district requested the release of an illegally held cemetery and complained about the pollution there. Another person from Kharkhadi village in Gurugram district mentioned that the investigating officer in a land dispute case had filed a false case against him in collusion with the opposing party, who even threatened his pregnant wife. He appealed to the Home Minister for justice.
A person from Kurukshetra complained that when he and his family were away, their house was robbed, resulting in significant losses. Although a theft complaint was lodged with the police, they couldn’t track the thieves. Someone from Nagla Nanaku village complained that their neighbor had installed windows facing their house, and despite filing a complaint with the police, the issue remained unresolved.

A resident of Sundar Nagar Colony in Mandour, Ambala city, reported an incident where on the night of December 14, while traveling in his car via Mandour road, he was attacked by a group of criminals, leaving him injured and robbed of ₹20,000 and his mobile phone. Despite a police complaint, no action was taken against the culprits. Villagers from Fadoli village in Ambala district demanded the re-erection of fallen electric poles during rain, the reconstruction of the road from Burger King to Khanpur, and the cleaning of the Jodha drain/river. The Home Minister directed the concerned official to take appropriate action.

Similarly, in other cases, Home Minister Anil Vij directed the respective authorities. On this occasion, the Women’s Forum President and the President of Musaddil Lal School, Vijay Gupta and Manju Nanandra honored Home and Health Minister Anil Vij by presenting him with a memento and a shawl.