Andhra Pradesh reported over 10,000 fresh cases of the novel coronavirus with 65 new deaths on Wednesday taking the toll to 1,213 cases, marking the biggest daily surge in cases. The state has crossed 1.2 lakh Covid-19 cases.

 East Godavari district has become the hotbed for the Covid-19. The district has recorded 1,676 new cases in a day and 14 fatalities in the last 24 hours. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy said, “The government is not hiding anything and it wants to test as many as possible. It seems there is no respite from Covid-19 cases in Andhra Pradesh.”

 The officials said, “Andhra Pradesh has gradually ramped-up its testing capacity for Covid-19 and conducted over 70,584 tests in a day and the Tests Per Million (TPM) has increased to 34,083. In the last 10 days, as many as 5,04,477 tests have been conducted with an average of 50,447.7 tests every single day. In fact, like no other state, Andhra Pradesh is spending Rs 5 crore per day only for the tests.”

“As the number of tests taking place is increasing every day, and hence the number of positive cases is also high. The government has been spending Rs 350 crore per month on Covid care despite the severe financial crunch. The positive rate of the state is 6.61% and the recovery rate is at 46.02%. The mortality rate in AP is only 1.01 percent while it is 2.23 percent in the country”, the official added further. As the number of Covid-19 cases continues to rise rapidly, the state may overtake Delhi, coming in third place in the country.