In the aftermath of the Andhra Pradesh Board of Intermediate Examination’s announcement of results on Wednesday, nine students have reportedly committed suicide in the state. Two additional suicide attempts have also been reported.

Over 10 lakh students registered for the exam, with 61% of class 11 students passing and 72% of class 12 students passing.

Tragically, a 17-year-old boy from Srikakulam took his own life by jumping in front of a train after receiving his exam results. Similarly, a 16-year-old girl from Trinadhapuram in the jurisdiction of the Malkapuram police station, Visakhapatnam, ended her life at home. An 18-year-old boy from Visakhapatnam’s Kancharapalem neighbourhood also hanged himself after failing a subject in the second year of intermediate.

Two 17-year-old students from Chittoor district also took their own lives after failing the exam. Another student from the same district passed away after swallowing pesticide, while a girl student from the district drowned herself in a lake.

In Anakapalli, a 17-year-old student also hanged himself at home after reportedly becoming depressed over low marks in the intermediate first year.