Former Minister and senior TDP leader Chintakayala Ayyanna Patrudu on Tuesday alleged that Andhra Pradesh Labour Minister Gummanuru Jayaram has resorted to a land grab of 204 acres of land in Kurnool district this year. Patrudu showed the registration documents relating to the unauthorised transfer of the land in the names of the Minister’s wife, wives of his brothers and several other benamis. The land grab came to light after the Ittina Plantations Pvt Ltd, which owns these lands, filed a police case against the encroachers. Addressing a press conference here, the TDP leader said that Minister Jayaram committed clear fraud by grabbing these lands with forged and false documents.
In a criminal conspiracy, the Minister’s kin got these lands registered from one Manjunath, who stepped aside from the firm management a long time ago. A fake document was created that Manjunath was given power of attorney on these lands. The company owners’ signatures were forged for this purpose. TDP leader demanded Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy to order an impartial probe by the Anti Corruption Bureau (ACB) into the land scam of Minister Jayaram. “If the CM did not take any action despite having evidence clearly, the public would have to think that he was also a partner to this land grab.
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