The two prime accused in the Abdul Salam mass suicide case, where a family of four committed suicide due to police harassment, have been granted bail. Bail has been granted to CI Somasekhar Reddy and Head Constable Gangadhar, despite the inclusion of serious non-bailable sections like 306 r/w section 34 of the Indian Penal Code. 

However, as the accused in question are a part of the local law enforcement machinery and are likely to hamper the investigation by threatening the witnesses, in order to ensure that justice is delivered and the accused are punished, the state administration has immediately filed a ‘Bail Cancellation Petition’ seeking an immediate cancellation of the bail awarded to the accused. “The accused being released on bail could result in witnesses turning hostile and intimidating new witnesses who would otherwise volunteer to testify. The investigating authorities are in possession of incriminating evidence against the accused. The bail could give the accused a chance to hamper the investigation by threatening or coercing the witnesses,” said the petition.

On the other hand, Chief Minister Y.S. Jaganmohan Reddy expressed serious concern over the suicide pact of the family in Nandyal. A high level probe is on for the case, and the accused Somasekhar Reddy and Gangadhar were arrested after the intervention of the Chief Minister and the police swinging into action. The two were charged under various sections of the IPC, including abetment to suicide (306), besides 323 and 324. Many Muslim Minority Associations have hailed the CM for his concern and the quick action taken by the police.