Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Yeduguri Sandinti Jagan Mohan Reddy called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the national capital on Wednesday. CM discussed about the Polvaram project and said that the state is prepared to face any situation in the wake of the latest developments of Covid He presented that it has been 8 years since the bifurcation of the Andhra Pradesh state into Andhra and Telangana, but most of the issues mentioned under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act (APRA) have not yet been fulfilled, and many issues are still unresolved between the two states.
He explained that the dispute resolution sub-committee headed by the Secretary of the Union Finance Department has met several times on the unresolved issues. Although some progress has been made, the key issues are still unresolved CM said, “The arrears to be paid under resource gap funding for the financial year 2014-15 are pending – Bills of Rs.18,330.45 Cr for the year 2014-15, 10th Pay Commission arrears, pensions etc. amounting to a total of Rs. Rs.32,625.25 Cr dues are pending and there is a need to be sanctioned immediately. Central finance department imposing limit on loans by adjusting the loans made by the previous government more than the limit, in this government.
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