Mumbai: Actress Ananya Panday has started shooting again. On Thursday, Ananya took to Instagram Stories and shared a glimpse of the set where she is currently working, emphasising on the need to follow safety precautions. “Back at it, Safety first,” she captioned her post, although she did not specify what she was shooting for. The actress has several projects in her kitty right now. She will be seen opposite Ishaan Khatter in “Khaali Peeli”, and shares screen space with Deepika Padukone in Shakun Batra’s next. She also stars opposite Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda in his next film, tentatively titled “Fighter”. Ananya is the elder daughter of actor Chunky Pandey. She made her Bollywood debut in 2019 with “Student Of The Year 2”, co-starring Tiger Shroff and Tara Sutaria.
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