On Saturday afternoon, the gorgeous ‘Gehraiyaan’ actress Ananya Panday shared pictures from her holiday on her official Instagram handle. In the caption of her post, she wrote, “Sukoon.” In one of the pictures, the gorgeous actress can be seen chilling in her swimwear and denims. In another shot, she can be seen lying on the grass. Ananya can be seen playing with the dogs. She also shared a picture of a starry sky. In one of the pictures, she stands next to a tree.

Take a look at Ananya Panday’s Instagram post

Meanwhile, on the professional front, Ananya Panday made her Bollywood debut in the year 2019 with Karan Johar’s Student of the Year 2. Next, the actress will be seen in Kho Gaye Hum Kahan opposite Siddhant Chaturvedi and Adarsh Gourav. Also, she will star in the second installment of Dream Girl alongside Ayushmann Khurrana. Adding more details, Ananya has been featured in films like Pati Patni Aur Woh, Khaali Peeli, and Gehraiyaan. She was last seen in Puri Jagannadh’s Liger.