Anant Ambani’s fiancee, Radhika Merchant opted for a vibrant midi dress for the musical event, ‘The Sound Of Music’ at NMACC. Held on May 3, 2023, the event was a star-stubbed one, and Radhika Merchant grabbed eyeballs with her stunning look. Dressed in a midi dress with noodles straps and a raw-edged neckline, she looked flawless and opted for subtle makeup, left her tresses open and completed her look with a diamond pendant. According to the sources, the cost of the dress can dig a hole in anyone’s pocket, and the midi dress was from the fashion label, Aje, and it costs Rs. 58,100.
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Her footwear was also unmissable. To style her outfit, she opted for a pair of Oran sandals from the luxury brand, Hermes, and it was a show stealer. The sandals come with a price tag of Rs. 71,820.
Earlier, at the launch of NMACC, Radhika opted for a beautiful blue-hued cut-out dress. Her outfit was from the label, Prabal Gurung, and it was worth a hefty sum of Rs. 98,139.
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We are in love with her flawless look. What about you?
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