Moments after Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha shared the official wedding pictures, an unseen picture of the newly wed couple is going viral on the internet. The gorgeous couple in their wedding outfit was clicked in a candid moment. They can be seen holding each other’s and having a hearty laughter.

Take a look at the viral picture below

 As soon as the picture surfaced online, fans couldn’t stop drooling over the newlyweds. Reacting to the viral picture, one of the fans wrote, “So cute.” Another commented, “Congratulations mam.”

Have a look

Also, an inside picture of AAP leader, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann has also been ruling the internet. In the picture, they can be seen posing for the cameras and are all smiles as they get clicked along with one of the guests at the wedding.

Have a look

Parineeti and Raghav reportedly knew each other for several years before they began dating. The love story of Raghav-Parineeti might have blossomed in London as reportedly the duo studied together in a college there.