Actress Amyra Dastur is currently in Chennai to shoot of her upcoming film, Bagheera, with Prabhudeva. Taking to Instagram, Amyra shared pictures from inside her flight from Mumbai to Chennai. “First time in an airplane since the lockdown,” she captioned one of the images, in which she is seen wearing a mask and face shield.

On Instagram Story, she also posted a picture of a place where she arrived after boarding the flight, and asked people to guess the name of the place.

Reportedly, Amyra’s new Tamil film starring Prabhudeva is psycho- mystery. Prabhudeva sports a bald avatar. Amyra made her Bollywood debut in the 2013 release, Issaq, alongside Prateik Babbar. She was later seen in films like Kaalakaandi, Rajma Chawal, Made In China, and Prassthanam.