The wait for the semi-high-speed train Vande Bharat Express to run on the Amritsar route has finally ended. The Railway Department has decided to run the Vande Bharat Express train from Amritsar to Delhi on December 30. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to give the people of Punjab a New Year’s gift in the form of Vande Bharat.
According to railway sources, the inauguration train Vande Bharat will depart from Amritsar at 11 am on December 30 and reach Beas at 11:40 and Jalandhar Cantt railway station at 12:12. After a 2-minute halt here, it will depart at 12:14. Following stops at Fagwara, Ludhiana, Ambala Cantt stations, it will reach Delhi station at 5:20 pm.

On the day of inauguration, a cultural program by the Railway Department is also planned at Jalandhar Cantt railway station, where schoolchildren will perform. During this time, MPs, MLAs, and senior BJP leaders will also be present. Railway officials state that the Vande Bharat Express will run for 6 days a week, excluding Fridays. Its departure from Amritsar will be at 8:05 am, arriving at Jalandhar Cantt railway station at 9:12 am. The tickets for the inaugural train will be complimentary for railway officials, leaders, and VIPs. The ticket distribution for the Vande Bharat Express will be managed by the Commercial Department. The Railway Department has released the schedule and notification for this train, including train numbers, stops, and timetable. The train will consist of 8 coaches. The booking for this train is expected to start today.
The Amritsar Railway Station is part of the Amrit Bharat Yojana

On the other hand, instead of Jalandhar City, the Vande Bharat Express has been given a stop at Jalandhar Cantt railway station. It is reported that the Cantt station was chosen for the Railway’s Amrit Bharat Yojana. Due to this reason, the Cantt station is undergoing renovation at a cost of approximately 99 crores according to the initial plan. Giving a stop to Vande Bharat Express at the Cantt railway station is also considered one of the main reasons.