Megastar Amitabh Bachchan unveiled the trailer of ‘Pyaar Hai To Hai,’ which stars actor Karan Hariharan, son of renowned singer Hariharan.

Taking to Instagram, Big B shared the video and wrote, “All good wishes for a bright beginning. #PyaarHaiTohHai #KaranHariharan #PaanieKashyap.”

The trailer unfolds an emotional story that delves into the depths of love and relationships. The chemistry between Karan Hariharan and Paanie Kashyap shines through in the video.
Earlier Boney Kapoor took to X and gave his best wishes to Karan, writing, “My best wishes to the talented #KaranHariharan, son of the signing sensation @SingerHariharan, who is making his acting debut in #PyaarHaiTohHai releasing in cinemas on 28th September 2023.”

Earlier Karan took to Instagram to drop the teaser of the romantic film ‘Pyaar Hai To Hai.’

The teaser video of the movie showcased the on-screen chemistry of Karan and Paanie against the picturesque backdrop of Uttarakhand.