Amidst the debate over renaming of India, Megastar Amitabh Bachchan seems to have chosen a side as he shared a tweet on X. The actor took to X and posted, “Bharat Mata ki jai’ with Indian flag emoji. Soon after the tweet was shared, his fans and followers appreciated his take. One of the fans wrote, ““Bharat Mata Ki Jai.” Another wrote, “Ye mera India ..I love my india.”
Here’s what Amitabh Bachchan tweeted
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s recent entry in his blog is about how he stays so energetic on the sets of Kaun Banega Crorepati. Recently, in his blog, Big B wrote that many people ask him about the secret of his energy. Talking about this, the actor wrote, “So yes I run onto the set of KBC .. the audience asks me why I do so .. I say I feel like doing it so I do .. they tell me we need to know the secret of your energy .. I tell them I have no secret, I was born thus, and if you need to know you shall have to ask them that created me .. and they have left for the Heavens, so how do I ask them .. they tell me we wish you to live another 500 years .. I smile .. they say yes we do .. I still smile .. they say we would never want you to change, may you remain this way all your life .. I continue to smile..”
Big continued, “they say we read and saw an interview of mine where I stated that, I would wish to be born as my self again .. they say yes we also wish you to be born as AB , the .. and the accolades of expressions, giving me exalted positions pour out .. and they ask me to respond .. I smile and tell them, I do not believe in these accolades, but if I am reborn again as AB, then it would not be for what you are wishing me to be .. I wish to be born again if it happens, then as AB, the SON OF MA AND BABUJI .. !!!”
Stay tuned for more such stories.
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