The new release date for the highly anticipated movie “Kalki 2898 AD,” starring Amitabh Bachchan, Prabhas, and Deepika Padukone, was revealed by the producers. Prabhas surprised fans on Instagram by sharing his first look poster and the news of the movie’s release. He shared the poster and wrote, “Time to look forward to the future is running out! #Kalki2898AD opens in theaters everywhere on May 9, 2024.” Originally scheduled to debut on January 12, the movie will now open on theaters on May 9.
As soon as the news was shared, fans chimed in the comment section.
One of the users wrote, “Theatres will blast.”
Going the extra mile, the makers of ‘Kalki 2898 AD’ executed a grand release date announcement through raiders across multiple cities Pan-India, including Varanasi, Mumbai, Delhi, Chandigarh, Chennai, Madurai, Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Guntur, Bhimavaram, Kashmir, and Vijayawada. During the event, the raiders marched together, building anticipation and unveiled the scroll in a unique and exciting way, announcing the film’s release date as May 9, 2024.
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