The Mumbai Police has imposed fines on riders of two motorcycles for not wearing helmet while offering lift to Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan and Anushka Sharma on the city roads, an official said on Wednesday. Both the actors were recently seen riding pillion on a motorbike, with two bike riders without helmet.
«Amitabh and Anushka both have been fined through their riders for bike ride without helmets on Mumbai roads,» a senior police official mentioned.
Fines were imposed on both of them in the two separate incidents after some people pointed out on social media that both of them were not wearing helmets and violated the mandatory helmet rule”, he said.
The Mumbai Traffic Police also uploaded on their Twitter handle the copies of challans issued on Tuesday against riders of both the vehicles.
The police issued a challan against the vehicle rider who was with Anushka a fine of Rs 10,500, the official said.
Megastar Amitabh Bachchan was also not spared after he had shared pictures of the ride on his social media account and the riders were seen without helmet.
Netizens pointed out that the rider and the actor were not wearing helmet, following which the Mumbai Police said they had shared this information with the traffic branch and the rider has been issued with a Challan of 1000 rs.