Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday launched a book ‘Shabdansh’, a compilation of selected speeches of Home Minister Amit Shah.The book has been written and edited by Shivanand Diwedi and highlights Shah’s political timeline and approaches throughout. Speaking on the occasion, Singh lauded Shah’s selfless nature.“Amit Bhai works in the background and is a great leader. He does big things by staying behind. He has no longing for credit. Despite being in the background, doing great things for the government and the party, he reads so much,’ said the Defence Minister.The book is a compilation of 28 speeches and has Shah’s vocal approach on a wide range of issues. The compilation also includes important references related to great men including Chanakya, Ramanuja, and Shankaracharya in Shah’s speech.Threads about Prime Minister Narendra Modi which were cascaded by Amit Shah in his speeches are also included in the book.The defence minister also stressed that Shah was also troubled by the investigative agencies and even went to jail but the challenges made him stronger.
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