With Home Minister Amit Shah scheduled to visit Tamil Nadu next week, AIADMK official mouthpiece Namadhu Amma’s strongly-worded column has created ripples across both camps. Namathu Amma has criticised BJP for pursuing vote-bank politics based on religion in its editorial.

Editorial titled “Either it is Karuppar Koottam or the people who hold saffron flag” has been put out after BJP Mahila Morcha president Vanathi Srinivasan said that there will be consequences if there is any attempt made to stop the Vetrivel Yatra in the state.

The editorial has stated, “Concerned people should understand that Tamil Nadu will not allow any rallies, processions and Yatra’s that will divide people on caste and religious lines.” The article also stated, “AIADMK will not allow any attempts to do vote bank politics based on the name of religion and the people who take out Vetrivel Yatra should understand it.”

BJP state president L. Murugan has already commented, “Amit Shah’s visit will bring political change in the state and his arrival plan has made the opposition parties fear about his visit.”

Murugan also visited Thirupathi Venkatachalapathi temple to offer prayers on Monday.

Political analysts questioned the timing of the editorial by the AIADMK mouthpiece ahead of Amit Shah’s visit and several questions over the alliance between both the political parties. Though there are no meetings scheduled between the AIADMK leaders and Amit Shah, sources say that efforts are on to arrange a personal or online meeting with few eminent personalities in the state.