Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla will visit Badal village in Punjab’s Muktsar on Thursday to pay homage to SAD patriarch Parkash Singh Badal, who passed away recently. Shah will be accompanied by senior BJP leader Tarun Chugh and Union Ministers Gajendra Singh Shekhawat and Som Parkash, said Punjab BJP chief Ashwani Sharma on Wednesday. Parkash Singh Badal, who became Punjab’s chief minister five times and had been part of the movement for a separate Punjabi-speaking state, died at a private hospital in Mohali near Chandigarh on April 25, nine days after being admitted with breathing problems. He was 95. Meanwhile, Badal’s ashes were immersed at Kiratpur Sahib in Punjab by his son and Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal, along with his family.