After testing positive for Covid-19, Union Home Minister Amit Shah was admitted to Gurugram’s Medanta Hospital on Sunday where his health is stable now. Another shocking news came when Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit and Uttar Pradesh’s BJP chief Swatantra Dev Singh were also tested positive on the same day. As xorona continues to wreak havoc across the country, the total number of cases in India has surpassed 17.9 lakh cases after 54,736 new cases were recorded in the last 24 hours.

There were lots of speculations going rounds on social media on Shah’s health as he attended a cabinet meeting held on Wednesday. However, the Prime Minister’s Office later clarified that social distancing was strictly followed along with wearing of masks. The officials indicated that there was a strict protocol in place at the Prime Minister’s residence for the last few months. With no signs of improvement in Covid situation, India also witnessed 853 deaths in the last 24 hours. 11.1 lakh cases were reported in July alone accounting for about 65.48% of the total in stances of the viral infection reported in the country so far.

Maharashtra’s Covid tally saw a surge of 9,509 cases taking the total cases to 4,41,228. With 260 deaths within 24 hours, the total death toll went up to 15,576. A total of 9,926 patients were discharged on Sunday, taking the count of the recovered cases in the state to 2,76,809. Maharashtra now has 1,48,537 active cases. Meanwhile in Mumbai, as many as 1,105 Covid-19 cases, 393 recoveries and 49 deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours. Total number of coronavirus cases in the city has now climbed to 1,16,451, including 88,299 recoveries, 21,412 active patients and 6,444 deaths.

 Delhi continued its improvement and witnessed only 15 deaths in the last 24 hours—lowest fatalities in a single day since 1 July. The number of Coronavirus cases in the National Capital rose to 1,37,677, while the death toll mounted to 4,004.

In the meantime, the total number of cases in West Bengal now stand at 75, 5176 cases with 52, 730 recoveries (2379 new cases, 49 deaths in the last 24 hours). In Andhra Pradesh, the total Covid caseload now stands at 1,58,764 cases with 82,886 recoveries and 1,474 deaths with 8,555 new cases on Sunday. The state now has 74,404 active cases.

 Kerala too reported 1,169 Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the active cases in the state to 11,342. A total of 14,467 patients have recovered from the disease in the state so far. With one more person succumbing to the disease, the toll has risen to 82.

Meanwhile, Haryana reported 761 new Coronavirus cases and 5 deaths in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 36,519 cases including 29,690 discharges and 433 deaths. Number of active cases here stands at 6,396. Goa recorded 337 Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking total cases to 6,530 including 4,668 recoveries and 53 deaths. There are 1,809 active cases in Goa.