On Monday, BJP leaders will gather in the nation’s capital for a meeting to review the Vishwakarma scheme, which will be presided over by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. BJP officials showed up at the BJP Central Office Extension to take part in a meeting with members of the Vishwakarma Samaj led by Union Home Minister Amit Shah. “Amit Shah will go over the planning for this scheme. He will assign tasks and assemble a team to properly carry out this plan. Registration, training, implementation, and other topics will be the focus. 2 lakh Viswakarma people have registered as of this point.

On September 17, the month prior, Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced the PM Vishwakarma program, which aims to help traditional artisans and craftspeople. With a budget of Rs 13,000 crore, the Union Government will fully fund PM Vishwakarma. The artists will receive recognition through a PM Vishwakarma certificate and ID card, skill development through basic and advanced training, a toolkit incentive of Rs. 15,000, collateral-free credit support up to Rs. 1 lakh (first tranche) and Rs. 2 lakh (second tranche) at a reduced interest rate of 5%, a reward for digital transactions, and marketing assistance.