Union Home Minister Amit Shah said on Monday that he was ready for a debate in the Lok Sabha on the ongoing ethnic violence in Manipur, even as opposition parties continued to protest, demanding a statement from Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the issue. However, the Opposition leaders’ constant sloganeering forced Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla to adjourn the proceedings for the day.

“I am ready for discussion on this in the House. I request the Opposition to let a discussion take place on this issue. It is important that the country gets to know the truth on this sensitive matter,” Shah said

On Monday, the third day of the present Parliament Monsoon session, both Houses were adjourned due to the outcry over the Manipur issue.

On the opening day of the session, Thursday, PM Modi addressed the violence publicly for the first time during a pre-session address in the Parliament complex, sharply condemning the incident in which two Manipur women were paraded naked and sexually assaulted by a mob.

“The incident of Manipur is shameful for any civilisation. The country is shamed. I appeal to all chief ministers to strengthen laws to take stringent action against crime, especially against women. The incident might be from Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh or Manipur, the culprit should not go roam-free in anywhere,” PM Modi said.

However, the Opposition parties have been adamant about obtaining a more detailed response from Modi on the topic, and have stated that a discussion will follow. In response, the federal administration agreed to have a debate in Parliament, but called Modi’s demand for a statement a “caveat for disruption.”

The act, which occurred a day after riots erupted in the northeastern state on May 3, sparked widespread national indignation on Wednesday, as a heinous video of the incident was extensively disseminated online.